Saturday, May 14, 2022

The Saturday Picture Show, May 14, 2022


One of the great symbols of Baltimore was a weekly scrubbing of the white marble steps on the thousands of rowhouses that dot the town. This two-duck inspection team is walking around to see why this happens no more.
"What are New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore?"

The best use of strawberries, for me, is to bury them under an avalanche of Reddi-Wip atop a fresh biscuit. And their time is coming soon!
I was unfortunate enough to overhear a conversation the other day in which a man held forth on international relations. He said the UN, as in United Nations, "stands for Useless and Needless." There used to be a time when someone as nescient as he would limit public blatherings to discussions of auto parts catalogs, comparisons of all-time major league centerfielders, and the latest celebrity gossip. But no. 
I got to thinking about Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow this week, as the star-crossed lovers from the Alabama hoosegow met their respective fates. To look at these two reprobates and see Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty playing them in the movie took a great stretch.
How old are you, may I ask? I ask because no matter how old you are, this bonsai is older than you. It just turned 116, and it never looked better!

This is worth some thought, when you think about it.

This is the latest thing in Asian umbrella fashions, called the Jellyfish. I'm sure those tendrils are not annoying at all on a windy rainy day. 
There were times, during the days when I owned pick-up trucks, that I could have used this sort of assist to empty the bed. Not having a truck anymore means never hearing someone say, "Hey, pick me up a load of mulch, will ya?"

This is bioluminescent plankton, proper chow for marine life that likes its food all lit up.

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