Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Nothing to beef about

Whatever you do for a living - be it typing memos all day, trying shoes on people's feet all afternoon, bringing people beer and pretzels all evenings, or working in a tollbooth all night, you have undoubtedly felt like you've "done this same thing a million times!"

Gayle Dudley can tell you for sure, she has.

Gayle is from Georgia, and she has worked at the same Longhorn Steakhouse for nigh onto twenty years. Recently the good people at Longhorn gave her some respect for grilling her one-millionth steak!  



She's been at the Longhorn on Macon Rd in Columbus GA for all these years, and she got a nice surprise when the big shots of the company showed up with one of those whimsical giant checks for her.

Along with the 5 Gs, they gave a gold chef coat and the title of "Grill Master Legend." This is an honor bestowed upon that small group of griddlers who have reached the million-steak mark. Before Gayle, the last person to get that much beef on the fire was Simeona "Simi" Tamaseu, from the Longhorn in Jacksonville, Fla., in 2018.

I think these outstanding employees should get matching gold chef hats to go along with the coats, but apparently the company feels that would be one toque over the line.  


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