Thursday, September 2, 2021

One of those quizzes!

I first took this quiz in 2010, so I thought I should check myself and see if any answers have changed. 

If I were a month I'd be November   I'm going to go with December now because the last few Novembers around here have been more like lazy August. I want at least a chance of snow, and turkey.

If I were a day I'd be Saturday✅ Yes that is still good, although every day is the same to me (except for who anchors the morning news)

If I were a time of day I'd be evening ✅

If I were a font I'd be Gill Sans MT ✅ Yes for that British look

If I were a sea animal I'd be a starfish  I should go with my birth sign and be Cancer The Crab 

If I were a direction I'd be Northeast✅

If I were a piece of furniture I'd be a bookshelf✅  but I could also see myself as an end table to hold coasters and pencils and reading glasses and that one little bolt that came out of something you can't identify - but you know, as soon as you throw away the bolt, you'll need it

If I were a liquid I'd be Iced tea

If I were a gemstone I'd be an onyx I'm going with turquoise now. 

If I were a tree I'd be an willow  change it to ash so I can grow up to be a baseball bat

If I were a tool I'd be sandpaper  a hammer...MC Hammer!

If I were a flower I'd be a black-eyed Susan Still the state flower!

If I were an element of weather I'd be a rainy day✅ I love them!

If I were a musical instrument I'd be a drum without a doubt

If I were a color I'd be orange ✅

If I were an emotion I'd be laughter✅ the world needs all it can get

If I were a fruit I'd be a lemon It's a pie filling and a kitchen cleaner!

If I were a sound I'd be the sound of happy laughs like I say...

If I were an element I'd be mercury  change that to the element of surprise

If I were a car I'd be an Camry old coupe from the 40s and I would wear a fedora

If I were a food I'd be roast beef

If I were a place I'd be my bed 

If I were a material I'd be cottonnot only that, but I would wage war on polyester

If I were a taste I'd be bread✅but the good kind with 17 grains and a crusty loaf

If I were a scent I'd be gingerbread nothing smells better!

If I were a body part I'd be a backbone  new right knee because I need one!

If I were a song I'd be "Don't She Look Good"  Alabama Jubilee!

If I were a bird I'd be an Oriole 

If I were a gift I'd be heartfelt 

If I were a city I'd be Cape May ✅

If I were a door I'd be open for friends✅ but you need a mask if you ain't been jabbed

If I were a pair of shoes I'd be Rockports ✅ still the best! 

If I were a poem I'd be "America" by Allen Ginsberg ✅


Andy Blenko said...


Richard Foard said...

Your responses, Mr Clark, evidence good character, all the more as amended. We'll be looking back in on your next decennial re-take. Our research department advises that new questions may be necessary then, owing to the possibility of seismic technological developments or fiery apocalypses. As always, we are poised to suggest improvements to your responses should the need arise. Our actuarial department advises that we each have a 0.7 probability of seeing the decennial. As odds go, I'll take them. (Don't compute the joint probability, it's not as heartening.)