Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Eleventh


The stunning, clear skies and cooler weather of the past few days is reminiscent of September 11, 2001. If you'll recall, that was a beautiful late summer day on the East Coast. The loveliness of the day was in stark contrast to the horrible events, the enormity of the attacks, the deaths, the loss, the destruction.

The Greater Baltimore area joined the sad list of towns where a school shooting has taken place. On Friday - another pretty day - one student shot another in a restroom at Joppatowne High School up in Harford County. The victim died on the way to the hospital; the alleged shooter is in police custody.

Did you ever see a true sleight-of-hand artist at work? So-called "magic" tricks, involving playing cards or even something as simple as pulling a quarter out of some kid's ear, depend on distraction - getting you to look at something else while the deception is pulled off right in front of your eyes. There is no quarter growing out of young Joey's ear, but the skillful practitioner of legerdemain (French for "light of hand") misdirects your eyes, and with them goes your mind. 

This old painting "The Conjurer," by Hieronymus Bosch, shows a pickpocket filching a purse from someone whose attention has been misdirected by a magician.

I bring this all up to make a simple point. School shootings and acts of terrorism continue to occur, despite our heartfelt thoughts and prayers. Some politicians, who should be running for office on platforms of decisive counteraction, find it easier to distract the easily-distracted by misdirecting their attention. Don't mention how many schools are being turned into shooting galleries, because that's a tough topic to handle. 

Just tell people that children are going to school and having transgender surgery performed upon them without the knowledge or consent of their parents. It's not happening, but it sure sounds like something we ought to worry about!

I wonder why we hear people in the immediate backwash of one of these tragedies say, "I never thought it could happen here!" It can happen anywhere. I pray that it doesn't, but telling people that their sons will become girls during school is an insane way to live.
