Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Saturday Picture Show, July 27, 2024


Some geometry major shows you how to make a more interesting PBJ, what with Back To School so close. You get nine different bite/tastes this way. The rows are jelly, honey, and marshmallow; the columns are crunchy peanut butter, Nutella, and creamy PB. This could lead to sandwiches within sandwiches becoming a deal!
I know I'm going to hear from Wilbur and Orville that this is a perfectly normal part of jet maintenance and I will continue to maintain that it just looks like the nose of the plane is held on with duct tape.
He has a tattoo reading "Born To Kick Ass and Bring Swedish Meatballs"
Pedestrian's socks do not match, but his clothes match the stacked chairs.
It is understood that when Keith Richards's daughters pass on, he will inherit everything.
The Eagle has landed. Repeat: The Eagle has landed. Or whatever.
Why do so many tousle-headed blond (however they get that way) males go on to high office in politics and then set new goals for themselves?
Local officials in Iceland have come up with a way to get the attention of drivers approaching a pedestrian crossing. Painted shadows provide all the depth.
I shared this as a reminder that a) it will be cold again someday and b) fools will be fools again.
In the Old Country, a kid could get a kid-sized beer if he was with his parents. I think that's a good idea, teaching a kid to respect alcohol and be aware of its pitfalls at an early age. I'm sure not everyone will agree.

1 comment:

AC Cage said...

I saw the same scenario of the shopping cart on a show mound at Costco.