Monday, July 8, 2024

Food for thought

 I love these lists of food everyone loves and everyone doesn't love. I don't know who compiles them or even who would have the time to do so. But what do you think...?

Of course, this one has a little joke in it at #9. Phenol is AKA carbolic acid, and not recommended as a main course or side dish for anyone. 

But to the list...Anchovies! We love them around here, and I think it's odd to find a married couple where both of them love little salty fishies. I do know that every time we ordered a Sporkie (sausage pizza) with added anchovies at Bertucci's, the server made a fish face and told us that the pizza chef was going to complain about the anchovies stinking up his oven. In my conciliatory manner, I would tell her to make it double anchovies, in that case. Just can't get enough of them.

Black licorice? No, thanks. No thanks to any flavor or form of this substance best defined as "what liver is to meat, licorice is to candy." 

Oysters, yes! Raw, fried, stewed, lemme get another dozen. 

Beets? The stigma known as purple death. Although I will say, I was once begged/forced to taste a beet and I tasted nothing but purpleness.

Bleu cheese, please! Ever try it on a burger? Delightful! 

Okra, no. It sounds like something Granny Clampett was fixin' to whomp up a mess of, so I'll pass.

Capers? There was a whole episode of "The King of Queens" about Carrie hating capers, and I'm on her side.

Brussels Sprouts? We once went on some crazy health kick and brought home a bag of these little unpleasant green spheres. We tried some one night. The rest, we kept around in a Ziploc bag to wrap around sprained ankles. And please don't try to tell me how great they are sauteed in olive oil with spices and parmesan cheese. No sale.

And olives! I am always surprised to find the depths of other peoples' hatred of olives. I love them all, and they are on top of all my salads. Something else I do with them is keep some in a little jar with hot peppers. Then I secret one or two inside a cold-cut sub and wait til I hit that bit with the peppered olives. Hot a-mighty!

Pass the relish tray, please!

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