Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Dear Lady

Not trying to poke fun at this lady, know you're getting up in years when your granddaughter is 69 years of age!

Elizabeth Francis turned 115 the other day, and her family brought her a great big floral-covered vanilla cream sheet cake (that's her favorite flavor!) And they told her to go for seconds on the cake if she wanted to. Why not?

Ms Francis's granddaughter is Ethel Harrison, chairperson of the cake committee. She told her gram to have all she wanted from the cake with  "two ones and a five." 

Ms Francis

Ms Francis ascended to the top of the Who's Got Seniority list in February when Edie Ceccarelli died at 116 in Mendocino County, California. She has slowed down a bit in recent months (Editor's Note:  Who hasn't?) and her voice is but a faint whisper, but, again, at 115, what do you have to holler about? Ms Harrison said her grandma still has a sparkle about her. She shares a home with her only child, Dorothy Williams, 95.

“My grandmother sleeps much more than she did six months ago, but she still says exactly what she thinks and doesn’t hold back,” Harrison reports.

And for those who wish to join her in the Centenarian + Club, here's her advice: “Speak your mind and don’t hold your tongue.”

That confirms that I will probably be around in 2071 at 120 yoa, which is when I will finally get finished speaking my mind about everyone and everything.

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