Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Night Flight to Blagoevgrad

There are plenty of people who were around in 1903, when the Wright Brothers got their plane off the ground at Kitty Hawk, and 1969, when men first flew to the moon.  That was a lot of progress in just  66 years.

In between those two landmarks came one not quite so illustrious. It was in June, 1925, that the first murder to take place on an aircraft took place.

On the twelfth of June, a wealthy diamond merchant carrying a bag of rocks on a plane was killed by his secretary and the pilot of the aircraft.

Then the secretary and the pilot threw the body off the plane.

Then they two crashed the plane, destroying it. 

Then the secretary killed the pilot.

Then he escaped to Bulgaria.

And all this time, I thought that all people were doing in 1925 was drinking bathtub gin and dancing the Charlestown. Oh no. People have always been up to no good, even when they were wearing raccoon coats and straw hats.

1 comment:

Andrew W. Blenko said...
