Friday, January 5, 2024

Stocked Up

 With a forecast of snow and rain and cold temperatures this weekend (I'm writing this on Tuesday night, and for all I know, it could be 76° anyway) it came to my mind that there might be people who have moved to our area since the last big snow, which was like 47 years ago.

First off, new neighbors, don't be too upset when you see others with a bizarre glint in their eye, and carpal tunnel syndrome from punching the remote all day to see what Tony Pann (The Faith In The Flakes guy!), Derek Beasley, and the guy on channel 2 who looks like this week's participant from the High School After School Meteorology Club are saying about the storm. Just as some folks will only "take preaching" from one and only one sinbuster, many of us don't want to hear anyone except our favorite AMS-Certified Meteorologist.

And for crying out loud, you should be fully stocked on food and snacks and beverages by now. Around here, "BMTP" is not the Italian Cold Cut at Subway; those letters stand for what everyone needs most heading into this weekend...Bread, Milk, and Toilet Paper.

It turned out to be a good thing during the early days of the pandemic, when shoppers across the country, anticipating long stays at home, bought up all the Charmin and Bounty and Angel Soft and Quilted Northern they could wedge into their carts. Baltimore knew what to do. We bought cases of oranges in which each orange is wrapped in green tissue paper, and we bought up all the leftover decorative tissue from the Dollar Tree, and we all made out fine. Lots of us still have about a six-month supply downstairs, just in case.

I promise you, by Monday, it will all be over, so don't be the one with a the Coolerater stuffed with 14 bottles of milk. You don't even like Capt. Crunch that much.

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