Thursday, January 4, 2024

Half Fast

 You're forgiven if, amidst all the Christmas and New Year hubbub, you forgot to send me half-birthday greeting on December 30.

I understand that the trend of half-birthdays was begun by parents who felt sorry for little Lancelot or Lulu when their birthday was on an actual holiday. It's tough to have your birthday ignored, granted, but lots of people were born on notable days and managed to reach adulthood without a large commemoration six months after their natal day.

Just adding six months to the day does not always give the accurate answer, anyway; for example, February 9 + six months may or may not come out to August 9. In fact, statistically, this method gives a wrong date, because of the shortage of days in February, and there not being 31 days in all the months ("30 days hath September, April, June and November...") 

Also, the second half of the year is longer than the first, especially when you're waiting for Christmas. 

So many days...

I always feel for those born on February 29, because their birthday only happens every four years, but I know a woman who was born on that day, and celebrated her 20th "birthday" on her 80th.

I propose that we choose a totally random date within the calendar year to make a fuss over our someone special. Just announce to them over breakfast that today is their "Birthday Plus One" and make a whole deal of the day - lunch and dinner out, little gifts, fun galore. The best part is the surprise!

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