Thursday, December 5, 2019

Up on the housetop...

'Twas the night before Thanksgiving, and all through the house...

A 17-year-old girl in Phoenix AZ went out with her friend and came home to an empty house that she was locked out of, because her parents went to the movies and she's not quite ready to take a house key with her.

So, how to get in?

I got it! The chimney!

Seriously. This young woman figured that the smokestack would be a fast and easy way to get in.

It turns out, it wasn't fast, or easy, and it wasn't a way in.

Her friend is named Yasmeen, and she told the local news that Chimney Girl spent an hour and a half in the chimney before the Phoenix Fire Department got her out.

"She thought about going down the chimney,” Yasmeen told the local news. "I didn't know it was blocked in the bottom. I never thought it was blocked on the bottom, so she went down and she started freaking out."

And then, panic set in.

"She was, like, 'call 911!' She couldn't breathe," Yasmeen said.

Yasmeen's friend was all sooty when she got out but still managed a perky smile.

And someone called the parents at the theater and they came home and...
"They were so mad," Yasmeen said. "Really mad."

Next up: The parents explain the whole Santa thing.

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