Thursday, December 12, 2019

Statesboro Blues

It's one thing to be a total jackass, and then another even worse thing to weasel out of it.

America's finger of shame is pointing at this disgusting fool Tommy Callaway with good reason. He's the runner from Statesboro GA who thought the best way to behave during something called the Enmarket Savannah Bridge Run in Savannah on Saturday was to smack the butt of a female TV reporter who was trying to do her job live on the air.

Yes.  And are you surprised to know that Callaway self-describes as a church youth minister and Boy Scout leader?  I'm not.

Callaway has been on this earth for 43 years and presumably has sat through many a church service, during which he should have heard something about not smacking other people. 

Now that he has gotten himself a sharp lawyer, he has come forward to apologize for his "awful act." 

You know the sure signs of someone having lawyered up include saying things like "I acted out of character," which means the same thing as "This is not who I am."

Who he is, is the man who grabbed the behind of a young woman just out of college a year ago. Her name is Alex Bozarjian and she is a reporter for WSAV-TV.  No matter what else Callaway claims to be, in essence he's a man  - married and a father of two- who now gets to explain to his wife and children why Daddy is a national embarrassment for saying things like this:

“I was getting ready to bring my hands up and wave to the camera, to the audience, and there was a misjudgment in character and decision-making. I touched her back. I did not know exactly where I touched her."

Bozarjian put the video of the incident, and her comments about it, on Twitter:

“To the man who smacked my butt on live TV this morning: You violated, objectified, and embarrassed me. No woman should EVER have to put up with this at work or anywhere!! Do better.”

Callaway, nudged by his attorney, says, " I totally agree 100 percent with her statement. The two most important words were her last two words, ‘Do better,’ and that’s my intention.”

“If I did see her facial reaction, I would’ve been embarrassed, felt ashamed, and I would’ve stopped, turned around, and apologized to her,” he said, before throwing in the claim that he is “disappointed” in himself.

“I feel horrible,” he averred.

Notice that he is incapable of realizing that he shouldn't grab other people as he runs by them unless he sees the pain and humiliation he causes.

Bozarjian has filed a sexual battery report with police. Callaway’s lawyer told CBS News that "Tommy is a loving husband and father," and that he “did not act with any criminal intentions.”

I hate to mention this, but we have become a pretty awful society, one in which people feel entitled to do as they wish. This pervert should spend a week or two in jail to serve as an example to others.

And people who send their children to him under the auspices of the Boy Scouts or the church should think twice about what kind of smug, impenitent, self-absorbed person he is. This smirk tells it all.

Keep running, and stay away from us.

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