Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Saturday Picture Show, December 28, 2019

What can brown do for you? For one thing, they can give this driver a new pair of gloves.
You probably love what comes from these beans. They're cacao! A lot of Hershey bars will come from all this.
The Daisy B-B gun people owe a lot to the Jean Shepherd "Christmas Story" movie.
Sometimes, it's just a matter of being in the right place at the right angle at the right time with a camera.
He said he's a glasswing butterfly, but I can see right through that.
Here's a reminder that you make that New Year's pie, cornbread, deep dish pizza, or just about anything in a cast iron pan.
How many times have you heard people complaining that young people are so glued to their phones that this miss some spectacular sights and events. 'Tain't just the young'uns.
I heard one of the early Beach Boys records the other day, and it reminded me of just what a great band they are/were. Dennis and Carl Wilson are both dead now, Brian is just a shadow of what he was before troubles beset him, Mike Love performs with another group of musicians and still claims to be a Beach Boy, and the guy on the hood here - David Marks - was out of the band from August, 1963 until they brought him back in 2012. That's a long time. The whole thing just reminds me to enjoy what's in front of me right this second, don't look back and don't look forward. Be here now.

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