Friday, December 13, 2019

Days of our lives

We're approaching the winter solstice on December 21, and that's the best day for me and the worst for many, many others.

It's a tough time for a lot of people. “There’s an uptick in depression this time of year,” said Sarah Clayton, a licensed professional counselor in Virginia. “A lot of times people are grieving the loss of loved ones during the holidays and there’s a lot of pressure to feel happy, which can make you feel worse about not meeting that social standard.”

If I might just butt in here for a second, my advice is to ignore any advice to feel a certain way or do a certain thing such as smiling when you don't feel like. Nothing is more inauthentic than fake happiness or a put-on grin.

Back to Ms Clayton: she says Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) happens sometimes to people who are already depressed, or it can be that they only get depressed in wintertime.

The Mayo Clinic says SAD is a depressive state that comes to different people at different times. For most, it comes along during fall and winter, when days are shorter and there is less sunshine.

Less sunshine equals less Vitamin D, it messes up some people's sleep schedules, and it might cause our bodies to overproduce melatonin. That's a hormone produced by the pineal gland; like the Edgar Winter Group, it only comes out at night, and its helps you get sleepy.

Ms Clayton says that SAD mirrors other types of depression: people have low energy, lose interest in their daily activities, and just have that sluggish feeling.
I hasten to point out that I am sluggish all summer long because I shun the sun and the heat and the humidity and mosquitoes and every other sad thing I associate with heat.

So it turns out that in June, July and August, I have GLAD: Get Lazy All Day.

In December and January and February, I'm a dynamo, getting things done.

I love the lights of Christmas and all the holidays; Ms Clayton recommends having lots of them around along with special sun lamps to help those with SAD.

Either way, the sun doesn't shine on the same dog's (tail) every day, as they say. Winter is my turn to love the weather and the climate, and please don't remind me how soon summer will be here!

Enjoy it all.

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