Monday, December 2, 2019

Fricassee what you think of this

All around the world, educators work day and night (and the occasional weekend) to come up with new ways of teaching children things.

A school in Alabama asks that all students bring canned goods to stash in the classroom, the objective being that in case of a school intruder, little Abernathy and Gertrude can hurl cans of hominy, string beans and Campbell's Chunky Steak and Potato soup at the miscreant, which will either incapacitate him or render him useless due to laughing so hard.

I'm not making light of school intrusions but I think it's a little much to ask little children to do the job that security measures ought to be doing.

By the way, did you see the article in the paper that said that soup is making a comeback in popularity again? Right in the middle of the story, it said that the granddaughter of the man who invented the method of making condensed soup makes $200,000 in dividends just by being who she is.

And another thing. Oh wait, I told you she makes $200,000 in soup dividends. I guess it would have been good to mention that she makes this EVERY DAY. 

My grandfather did not leave me that sort of money, but he showed me the Pep Boys match trick, and that has been worth a fortune to me.

Back to the business of educating the young: the government of Bandung, West Java, Indonesia, has come out with a way to stop elementary and middle school kids to stop being hooked on their phones and Internet devices.

2,000 students are being given baby chicks.

The mayor of Bandung, Oded Danial, figures that raising chicks will teach the youth some valuable skills and foster their sense of responsibility.

It seems that the plan is, at the end of the year, everyone will bring in their chickens, and they'll be weighed and measured, and the students who bring in the largest chickens will be awarded prizes.

And then they'll all go to KFC for lunch!

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