Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Saturday Picture Show, December 7, 2019

 Graffiti artists managed to turn the cinderblock structure below into what looks like a lot of buses I have seen pulling out in front of me on Harford Road.
Icy waves at a levee look sort of like refreshing spring flowers!
You remember our friend Marie Kondo, the woman who said you should straighten up your house by getting rid of all those books you keep around. Now she has stuff for sale on her website! This is her version of a whiskbroom, and it sells for a whole lot of money that she thinks you should get rid of by sending it to her in exchange for the world's worst whiskbroom!
This Northern Cardinal turned up in Texas. Bilateral Gynandromorphism is the condition which causes the bird to have female plumage on one side of its body and male on the other. Birds with this condition have both an ovary and a testis.
Today is Pearl Harbor Day. If you don't know what happened on December 7, 1941, please read up on it.  But don't feel bad. Most people don't know about it either. Ask any college professor; they will tell you that students look at them in stupefaction when they learn that Japan attacked Hawaii.
This family has a black cat and an orangish German Shepherd. The rest of this caption writes itself: __ _____ ____ _____!
If you know someone who is interested in riding a motorcycle but disdains the use of a helmet, show them what a helmet looks like when the person wearing it while riding a motorcycle is hit by a car going 75 mph. Conclusions drawn.
Any day now, Baltimore!  Yes!

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