Saturday, December 23, 2023

The Saturday Picture Show, December 23, 2023

So you like a nicely grilled steak for dinner, but you hate to pay those restaurant prices? Improvise and DIY!
The Christmas spirit lives on! The ducks at this park adopted a chicken who needed a home and a family...
Just don't call this cab if it's raining hard some night... 

Why do I have this fascination with old trucks? I think it's because of how great they look in photos!
This is happening all over the country, and it's a good way to "repurpose," as they say, old malls. They're becoming college student centers, senior housing, and other bright ideas. Someday, we'll tell some kids, "That used to be Hickory Farms right over there..." and they'll say, "Sure, old man...."

Feel free to cut and paste this and print out as many as you wish! It's actually from a Japanese bus.
This ad from 1952 ought to settle this dispute about how to spell "catsup" once and for all.
Another notable American mural: this one features the late civil rights leader and US Congressman John Lewis.
"What's on tonight?" was a oft-heard question back in the day, and for a mere 15¢ this little magazine would tell you. Today, all the information is right on your screen, which will tell you now that 14 years worth of reruns of "The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet," featuring America's favorite family, The Nelsons, are available to watch as reruns on Comcast channel 1495

Enjoy your Christmas, however you celebrate this time of year, and thanks for another year of fun and laughs.

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