Friday, December 1, 2023

Taylor Made

I'm confused. This DeSantis, governor of Florida, made a big deal about cutting back $120 million on state college and university funding, including courses that were designed to aid in workforce development for that state, because he knows that his supporters don't like none of that higher educabacation and whatnot.

But at the same time, the University of Florida's Honors Program will be offering a new course in the spring semester: "Musical Storytelling with Taylor Swift and Other Iconic Female Artists." For 13 weeks, students who have no idea of the difference between the terms "every day" and "everyday," and lack the foggiest notion of the circumstances and outcome of most any American war, will delve into Taylor's music, "especially her songwriting, " according to the university's website. 

And there's more! The course description claims that students will "draw parallels between Swift’s enchanting lyrics and works by other famous female masterminds such as Aretha Franklin, Billie Holiday, and Dolly Parton."

The UF promises that the class will cover themes such as "old flames, infidelity, aging, and double standards" which are, of course, the chief topics mentioned in all 134,382 of her songs.

The U of Florida, which numbers among its graduates weepy Tim Tebow, is only the latest institution of higher learning (pause for laughter) to offer courses in Swiftology. Stanford has a 10-week course to teach students to analyze Taylor's song "All Too Well (10 Minute Version) (Taylor's Version)."

None of her song titles is simple.

Arizona State University, UC Berkeley and the University of Houston are also adding TS courses instead of T.S. Eliot courses.

You know him. He wrote "Cats," right?


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