Saturday, August 12, 2023

The Saturday Picture Show, August 12. 2023


These dinette sets were very popular in the 1950s, an era in which so many cakes were baked that they didn't even bother storing the MixMaster in one of the cabinets, so often was it used. This is called the polished steel-and-vinyl Mid Century Modern look, and when everyone switched over to wooden seats and tables, all of these were stored in a giant warehouse in Topeka to be brought back out for sale as part of the Mid Century Modern Revival.
You've heard of the Little Deuce Coupe, right? The Beach Boys song was about these very cars - 1932 (hence the "deuce") Ford 5-Window Coupes, which had tons of room to drop in much bigger engines to make these the hottest of hot rods. 
The popularity of cowboy boots ebbs and flows, but now a certain diminutive Florida governor is stomping around in a pair to make himself appear to be an inch or two taller as he tells one and all that slavery was just a happy internship.
I've seen pictures of these swimming pools on the edges of roofs around the world and I am certain I can do without getting in one.
On the other hand, I can testify that I never saw these hats for sale, or perched atop someone's head. Maybe they only sold them in certain areas. If I had seen them for sale, I would be wearing one right now. 
Notice that the still-standing 2,000-year-old Pula Amphitheater in Croatia shares a design with those multi-purpose stadiums that were built in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and other towns in the 1970s. But this one is still in use!
Whoever drew this has a cat and knows that look on its face.
I hope that wherever this cool tree carving is, there's a library right nearby.
What a treat for us Baltimore Orioles fans last Saturday! The World Series champs from the 1983 team held their 40th reunion at the ballpark downtown. 40 years zipped right on by, I wanna tell you.
This is my final post for today.

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