Saturday, October 29, 2022

The Saturday Picture Show, October 29, 2022


Free wallpaper for today could also be a placemat for Halloween dinner!
Up north, here, we are used to seeing hay and straw rolled in big bales like these, but this is cotton from those old cotton fields back home. And you know, when those cotton balls get rotten, you can't pick very much cotton!
This is Autumn in New York City, and it just dawned on me that the average denizen of The City That Never Sleeps does not have a leaf rake. Hmmm. I guess they just let them all get blown over to New Jersey.
You know, if I wanted to, I could fill this space every week with hilarious spelling boo-boos, but prudence forbids. I couldn't resist showing you this one that spell check totally approved! Whoever fills this job will have to have a great recipe for Indian pudding.
I think we all got a few of these in our trick or treat bags, a wax harmonica to drive your parents with for a few days, and then you got to chew on it to drive your dentist crazy.
The disgraced, twice-defeated former politician was slightly embarrassed at the low turnout for his rally, but still, he bloviated for several hours.
A cool thing about living near an ocean shore is that you get to see things that wash ashore, having been dilapidated by being tossed by waves and bumping into whatever is down there in Davey Jones's locker. If this brick could talk...
A well-used pair of ice skates is always a fun winter decoration. 
Here's someone who just had to take his support rabbit with him for a walk in the sun.
Who was the coolest guy in 7-C that year?

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I love and look forward to the Saturday Picture Show....bloviated, the brick, the ice skates, and Sioux chef. A great mix. We appreciate the effort to find and narrate the pictures.