Saturday, October 15, 2022

The Saturday Picture Show, October 15, 2022


Jennette McCurdy's autobiography has probably the most provocative book title since Abbie Hoffman's "Steal This Book," and it should be required reading for all parents who want their children to follow a pattern set down by the parents. Jennette has a lot of talent, but she didn't want to do what her mom wanted her to do with it. If a child wishes to be an actress or performer, they will let their parents know. No need to force them.   
They call this flint corn or calico corn. It's pretty as a fall decoration. It is edible, but it helps to have cow teeth and stomach!
Nature's Bounty on full fall display.
See what it says? For motion picture use only? This is Hollywood money, just not the kind you earn by being a movie star.
Ah! The Edsel! Worst product ever idea ever out of Detroit; they were just fancy Fords that looked like they were sucking on lemons.
Now here's a warning sign that needs no words to get its message across. Zap!
At the recent Pole Climbing Championships competition, the yellow helmets did a whole lot better than the white helmets, but everyone enjoyed the view up there.
Your Army At Work: "How's it going, Eisenhower?"  
Even in Australia, the motto is the same: Put the wet stuff on the hot stuff.
This guy was thrilled to find an 1875 Deutsches Reich one cent piece in his change one day. It's worth about $14.50, so it's not enough for a ski chalet or anything, but it's interesting.

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