Saturday, October 22, 2022

The Saturday Picture Show, October 22, 2022


I like to remind everyone every so often that the first monument to George Washington was built here in Baltimore's Mount Vernon neighborhood, and opened in 1815. I think there's one in Washington, D.C. as well.

If you're a really great poet, you will find out exactly what words are worth.

I'm always shocked when I hear of people who say they don't like coconut! Myself, I love it!
The Dublin, Ohio, Fire Department numbers among its members one or more creative types who can make a hose really seem to come to life!
I never had one of these, but they were the coolest thing before tapes and mp3 players...a record player for the car that played 45s. I wonder if anyone ever slammed into the back of the Rambler in front of them while sliding out a Paul Revere And The Raiders record to insert Jan & Dean.
It hasn't happened here yet, and it sure doesn't look like it will this weekend, but here's how cool it looks when it snows on top of changing leaves!
In our country, we look at this and it doesn't even register, how much courage it takes for an Iranian woman to walk past a mullah on the street while not wearing the approved headscarf. The tragedy in that nation is what happens when religion replaces civil government.
It happens to us all.

Well, now, I guess if you have a really expensive purse, you want to keep it covered so it doesn't get worn-looking. So, put it in an acrylic case. But what about if the acrylic case gets smudgy? Put it all in a bigger case? This could go on forever. 

This is a homemade scarf knitted by Emily Ann Meyer of New Windsor, MD to salute the Baltimore Orioles on their great 2022 season. She knitted three lines after each game - all 162 of them - with Orange yarn for a home win, Black for a road win, and White and Grey representing home and road losses, respectively. What a great scarf! Let's hope she makes another one for 2023 and let's hope it's full of orange and black yarn!

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