Saturday, December 5, 2020

The Saturday Picture Show, December 5, 2020


The standard Baltimore Chicken Box features wings doused in Texas Pete, and Texas Fries. Let's run get one!
Baltimore's Washington Monument was there way ahead of the one in DC and we light ours up more nicely, too!
You can't beat the Grey Owl for sheer ability to camouflage.
Electrical conduit in parking garage looks like doctor coming in to give you some bad test results.
So you say you've never seen what a baby skunk looks like, eh? They are some cute little stinkers.
For all fans of John McClane and the original "Die Hard," here is the perfect tree topper, featuring all the action from the Nakatomi Tower!
In World War I, British soldiers got their mail from home by the use of carrier pigeons. They even set up this mobile cote, and no matter where they parked it, the pigeons found their way back after their daily delivery!
You know the old joke where the dimwit says, "How come deer keep jumping across the road down here when the DEER CROSSING sign is another mile ahead?" Well, out in Utah, they built a highway overpass just for the wild critters out there so they wouldn't have to cross in traffic, and it's working just fine!

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