Saturday, December 26, 2020

The Saturday Picture Show, December 26, 2020


Hey, whatever it takes to get people to belt themselves.
The most popular card of 2021.
I don't care what they look like frozen; all I know is, I love McRibs!
You can bet a lot of nickels, this little buffalo will grow up to look like a big buffalo!
This is a population density map of the USA. Spot your town!
The picture as published didn't say where this took place, but the folks in this town decided to line up to thank the UPS guy for completing his daily rounds of 200 deliveries.
Put this jar right up in the correct angle and take a picture of a jar full of nature.

I don't know all of you but I am certain that very few of us humans were as cute as this little lamb when we were 15 minutes old, as she is.

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