Friday, November 6, 2020

You smell something funny?

A few years ago, Yankee Candle came out with a line of candles with scents designed to appeal to men. There was the smell of freshly-mown grass, freshly-sawn lumber, a newly inflated football, and something they called "Man Town" (no zipcode given), which blessed us with the aroma of "spices, woods and musk."

I guess this marketing venture turned out to be as popular as a skunk-scented jar candle, because you don't see them around any longer. And for the record, I don't want to live in "Man Town" if there are no females in town.

But never let it be said that other companies aren't willing to try something new, and here comes the Hasbro Corp with something for everyone who didn't forget what their childhood smelled like.

They've come out with Play-Doh for adults! The popular kid's goop, made of sensible household products like water, a starch-based binder, a retrogradation inhibitor, salt, lubricant, surfactant, preservative, hardener, humectant, fragrance, and color (according to their patent filing) is coming out with “Grown Up Scents” like “Overpriced Latte” or “Mom Jeans,” a fragrance vaguely described as that of “clean denim.”

Leena Vadaketh is the general manager of Play-Doh (can you imagine putting that under "occupation" on your tax return?) and she told the Huffington Post "the scents should evoke the pleasures of adulthood, such as the floral ambiance of a 'Spa Day' or that strong smell of suburban success — freshly cut grass, for the 'Lord of the Lawn' in your life."

For those whose olfactory senses want to work overtime, they can try new Play-Doh "Smoked meat" ("for the Grill King") and, heaven forfend, "Dad Sneakers." We can only hope that last one smells like brand-new Chucks, not stanky old Chucks sitting in the garage drying out from the dewy lawn.

Ms Vadaketh adds that these are for anyone who loves a good laugh.

Don't get too worked up about it yet, though: adult Play-Doh is sold out on Amazon right now.

And that makes for Happy Hasbro days. The toy giant says that the 'Rona year is making for big profits for them. They're selling Monopoly games and Play Doh like "no one's ever seen before" because of so many people sitting home with nothing but time and Play-Doh on their hands.

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