Saturday, November 7, 2020

The Saturday Picture Show, November 7, 2020


This person wore a Rick Astley mask because Rick is never gonna give you up, let you down, run around, desert you, make you cry, say goodbye, tell a lie or hurt you - all laudable characteristics for a presidential candidate who is not a) British and b) an actual candidate.

You can't even see the White House lawn anymore due to safety concerns. Oh for the days when we all laughed.
Caretakers at the Mt Hope Cemetery, in Rochester NY, have had to cover the tombstone of Susan B. Anthony with plastic because of so many people festooning the actual gravestone with I VOTED stickers. Fun Susan B fact: she had no middle name. When she was a child, it became a fad for people to take a middle initial just for the fun of it. This reminds me of U L Washington, the baseball shortstop whose actual first and middle names were U and L. Built-in abbreviations!
I love scenes like this in autumn. 
A Brazilian woodpecker had made his home in a utility pole. Kindly Brazilian utility workers had to replace the pole, but saved his house for him, attaching it to the new pole. I love this a Brazilian times.
I love potatoes, even though they could use a bath before we cook them.
They call these "sliders" because they go down the hatch easily, and frankly, they make a nice meal because they aren't all that filling. Add a salad, maybe a couple of fries, and you're in business. Pass the catsup, please!

Two of my favorite authors. Two of the best dressed men of all time! Gay Talese, (left), the pride of Ocean City, New Jersey and a celebrated alumnus of the University of Alabama is the son of a tailor and always wore the best bespoke suits. Tom Wolfe (right) is credited as the developer of the New Journalism, along with Talese, and his talents extended to fiction, as well as factual reporting on popular culture from car shows to space exploration to architecture.

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