Sunday, November 1, 2020

Sunday Rerun (from 2016): Chow Down

 Two big bits of news from the world of food, a world where we all dwell, this week...

On the upper end of the food spectrum was the news that America's Next Top President and his chief of staff, a man named Reince Preibus, dined in fine style with Mitt "Mitt" Romney, a man who derogated them both loudly for the past several years.  The hatchet was buried, along with garlic soup, frog legs, and diver scallops for appetizers, prime sirloin for Trump and Priebus, and lamb chops with a mushroom bolognese sauce for Romney's vittles. 

All three had chocolate cake for dessert.

(Does anyone else find it to be a little too cute to say "a" mushroom bolognese sauce?  When you're wiping your chin after wolfing down a Big Mac, do you say you're removing "a" special sauce?)

The deal at the joint where these three swells tied on the feedbag - Jean Georges - is, you choose from a selection of prix fixe (French for "way too expensive") menus. The cheapest way to get out of there is the three-course blue-plate special, ticketed at $138 a person. There are also two six-course tasting menus for $218 a person, and a two-course lunch for $58 each.

And that brings us to the sad passing of Michael "Jim" Delligatti, the inventor of the Big Mac (50 cents then, $3.99 today).  He was running a McDonald's in 1967 and one day, it came to him to pile two all-beef patties, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions and special sauce on one colossal sesame-seed-bunned sandwich.

He only lived to be 98, and to the end, he had a Big Mac at least once per week.

TBH, would you rather have a Big Mac, or garlic soup and frog leg?

I knew it!


kleinwort said...

I'll cop to thinking the garlic soup and frog's legs sound good. But not at those prices!

The garlic soup is dead easy to make. And frogs legs taste like chicken, right? My fried chicken is pretty rad, if I do say so myself. So there you go. Shi-shi meal for cheap.

If I've got to pay somebody else for it, I'll take the Big Mac, thank you very much.

Mark said...

I haven't had a Big Mac for years and I have wanted one for at least that long~