Monday, September 28, 2020


In case you missed it sneaking up on us, October will be here on Thursday, and that means two of the greatest days of the year will be here soon...November 1 is the end of the dreaded Daylight Savings Time, and the day before, October 31, is Halloween.

I've been fretting about whether there will be trick-and/or-treating this year. What with the pandemic and all, I'm wondering what will be done for all the little ghouls who want to lurk about in their Stephen Miller masks.  And Miller himself, that little demon with the spray-on hair! What will he do on the spookiest night of the year?

It will be up to each neighborhood to decide what to do, how to hand out the Goobers and Raisinets. There should be costume parties where kids can vie for the honor of having the most realistic Dr Fauci getup!

Here is proof that we aren't the only ones noodling over the topic. Andrew Beattie from Cincinnati, along with his 6-year-old daughter, developed a very simple Snickers Delivery System.  All you need is to find the mailing tube you put down in the basement 17 years ago, knowing it would come in handy, and then spruce it up til it looks like a Cincinnati Bengals uniform, attach it to the porch railing and get ready to slide the Smarties right on down to the waiting hobs and goblins!

And, as Mr Beattie says, "This is something that the kids will enjoy and not think of it as I'm doing this to prevent disease,” Beattie says. “They are doing it to have a good time."

Holidays and fun times are going to be really different for a while, but that doesn't mean we can't still have fun.

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