Saturday, September 26, 2020

The Saturday Picture Show, September 26, 2020


I love fall colors so much, I thought I'd treat us to them twice today. This first one takes some looking up.
Not sure how many of you recognize this fella - he's PacMan's grandfather.
In the season finale of nighttime soap opera "Dallas" in 1986, Bobby Ewing returned from the dead, since he had never been really dead, but still needed a shower. In 1999, "Family Guy" dragged him out and soaped him up again, but this time, when Pam told him it was all a dream she saw on "Family Guy," all Bobby could say were the three most memorable words of December 1999, as we all careered toward who-knew-what in Y2K. He said, "What's Family Guy?"
This building at Ellis Island in New York Harbor is now part of a museum of American Immigration. When this picture was taken, the building was abandoned, prior to refurbishment. But you have to wonder how many came here, saw the Statue of Liberty, and set about making their new life in a new land that very day.
This is the Fearless Girl statue on Wall Street, recently redecorated to salute our beloved fearless Justice Ginsburg.
Young people today might find it odd to even dream that there were men who drove around the neighborhood in the olden days, leaving milk and butter and eggs and cheese on your porch.
Old Corvettes are always a popular attraction at antique car fests. I always laugh to think of the old show "Route 66," in which Martin Milner, along with George Maharis or Glenn Corbett, roamed from town to town across America, finding odd jobs and romance before hopping back in the car, bound for the next burg, and more romance and adventure. What amused me was the thought that with a car like that, they hardly had room to pack more than a toothbrush and comb, and yet every week they were all togged out in all sorts of attire. 
Still lake, mirror image. Happy Fall!

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