Saturday, August 11, 2018

The Saturday Picture Show, August 11, 2018

Time to send an anniversary card to your favorite triple-decker sandwich! The Big Mac turns 50 this year. For extra weekend fun today, why not print this picture out, take it a McDonald's, and ask them why the Mac you just purchased looks nothing like this one...
There's another hand on the other end of the Golden Bridge, keeping it up in the air above Vietnam’s Trường Sơn Mountains. This bridge is more than 4900 feet above sea level in the Ba Na Hills resort.
This is either a high school dance class from long ago, or a witch trial from long ago. Either way, no one was having too great a time...
Again, this could one of two things. It could be one of those ironic junk chic things where material from a demolished building is "repurposed" as a coffee table. Or it could be a new table at Sluggo's house. I like the tomato can vase, too.
We don't think cargo planes can laugh and talk between flights, but we're wrong.
I don't care what kind of Kelvinator you have in the kitchen keeping your orange juice cool. If your refrigerator is not BELOW the kitchen, it's not as cool as this one.
A cat will always look for the most comfortable place for one of its 27 daily snoozes.
I think our parents bought Mercurochrome by the gallon back in the day. You couldn't beat it for treating cuts and scrapes, contusions and abrasions. We even put it on sprains and pulled muscles, because why not? Well, here's why not. Mercurochrome only had just a tiny amount of mercury, but still, the FDA had to worry about mercury poisoning.  Mercury is bad for you. So, the FDA took Mercurochrome off the GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) list and called it a "new drug" in 1998, meaning that until some pharmaceutical firm puts it through the expensive and time-consuming testing approval process, we'll be using soap, water, and Neosporin on our boo-boos.

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