Saturday, October 28, 2017

The Almost-Halloween Picture Show, Saturday, October 28, 2017

If you've been loafing and have not come up with a suitable Halloween getup for Barfy, here you go. Any way you slice it, the dog will never live down this humiliation.
Somebody help me here, please. When I saw this, I thought, OK, a pretty woman with green makeup, but then I had one of those horrible realizations that this is probably a tribute to a character in a movie that has been seen by virtually every person in the world save me and someone who has been living like a hermit since 1979.
Cats respond happily to our attempts to clothe then, and here is the Cat Queen of Maryland, everyone!
Payday! Mounds! 5th Avenue! Why were we not smart enough to go trick-or-treating at a candy store?
A pretty clever magazine cover from 1924.
Here is my chance to address a topic that I feel needs discussion. The last time I checked, there were 174 varieties of Oreos, where once, only one was all we needed. If we do nothing to stop this trend, the next thing you know, it'll be Oreos stuffed with Colgate!
This is the movie that Halloween movie lovers love to see on Halloween. To me, it's the fourth-best P.J. Soles movie, after "Stripes", "Rock 'n' Roll High School", and "Jawbreaker." I have my standards where P.J. is concerned.
Sheet music from a real toe-tapper from 1911.  Happy Halloween, all!

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