Saturday, December 19, 2015

The Saturday Picture Show, December 19, 2015

You can go to Liverpool, England, to see these statues of the four moptopped lads who made that city famous, yeah yeah yeah! John-Ringo-George-Paul...the Beatles!
There was a clothing store I used to frequent that had the men's size 38-short suits on the very upper reaches of the racks, and the 48-xlongs on the very lowest.  Same deal here. The people with aching backs don't want to reach all the way for their pills!

Simple and elegant winter decorations.  The pineapple was a sign of welcome in Colonial America.
This parking lot was photographed in the 1970s, from the looks of the cars on it.  You just have the feeling that a guy is still sitting in a Chevy Vega, waiting for the guy in the Celica ahead of him to move so he can finally go home.
There are two kinds of people at holiday time...those who call it eggnog, and those who call it eggnot.  Make mine a double, with nutmeg and cheap whisky.
For those who have popsicle toes all winter, there is one sure cure...wool sox!
The ultimate selfie is when you can get Jumbo The Elephant to help you out!
This is the last Saturday Picture Show before Christmas, and we wish you the happiest one yet! Here is the personally signed card sent out years ago by Baltimore's favorite son, the one, the only, George Herman "Babe" Ruth.

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