Saturday, June 19, 2021

The Saturday Picture Show, June 19, 2021


Ah, the age-old riddle: Why did the chicken go to the carryout?
Show your colors!
It was just about a year ago we would get calls or messages to look on the front porch for a nice hot loaf of freshly-baked sourdough. People learned to bake and work puzzles and read and a lot of other new hobbies.
Since the temperatures are hanging around near 90°, here's a shot of what last winter looked like! Another sweet memory.
Jennifer Rocha is a woman from Coachella, California who just finished earning her degree from the University of California San Diego. For her graduation pictures, she posed with her parents in the farm fields where she worked since her young days with her parents to pay for that education. You may be assured this young woman knows the value of a dollar, and an education.
This is not one of those southern water towers with a peach painted thereupon. It's the same moon we all sleep under, settling in for the night in a radar dish.
Bruce McCall actually painted cars for ads years ago before he turned to satirical artwork of cars, such as these '58 Bulgemobiles for the National Lampoon in 1973.
There must be a family with the surname Stick somewhere. Let's hope they are really thin and willing to pose for the rear window of cars.
This is "Office At Night" (1940) by Edward Hopper. You know him from "Nighthawks," the painting set in a diner which has been re-done a hundred times. This image came to Hopper's mind from the many times he rode a subway in New York and caught fleeting glimpses of people in offices. For over 70 years, people in the art world have discussed this, how the woman is so voluptuous, and the man is so intent on his work that he fails to notice she dropped a piece of paper. To me, he's focused on his work, and she's wondering why she's still on the job, because it's dark out.  
This may not be Brick Hell, but maybe it's Brick Heck. Who can tell?


AC Cage said...

Enjoyed the bricks and the radar dish....

Unknown said...


Andy Blenko said...

Each pic better than the one before! Thanks Mark!

Mark said...

I enjoy finding them! Thanks, Andy!