Thursday, June 3, 2021

Do you take this woman...or maybe that one...

I have to be honest, as always: I feel for the guy in this story. Not that I showed up at the wrong place for my wedding; I didn't. But once I went to pay respects to the mom of a coworker, and I wound up in the wrong room at the funeral parlor. I didn't know a soul, but I went along with the mournful murmuring...until I looked across the hall, and saw my coworkers assembled.

Exit, stage left.

So this guy in Indonesia was relying on GPS find his wedding venue....

The press from over there is not giving the guy's name. All we know is that he was set to tie the knot in Magelang, a town in Central Java. But GPS steered him and his posse wrong, and they wound up at another place because GPS said he had arrived at his destination.  And they always sound so sure, don't they?

But reports they were at the wrong place at the right time. The house they stopped at had an engagement party swinging inside. Oh the place was packed...friends, family, caterers, photographers, a man and wife getting ready to marry...

The groom’s entourage walked on in, started shaking hands and making the rounds, and took their seats.

Well, they thought they were their seats...

And then the groom-to-be from the engagement party and his friends thought the new arrivals were friends of the bride-to-be. And her family thought they were the fiancé's family...

Add to all this, the real fiancé and his family were showed up late for the event, according to the bride-to-be, a lady named Ulfa, who told that she had been getting her makeup touched up when her groom got there.

Just like one of those silly TV sitcoms, when everyone figured out the whole thing was just a merry mixup, the lost groom and his squad gathered up their offerings and split.

"[The groom] said that the share location point stopped near my house," Ulfa, 27, told the Indonesian news outlet. "Sometimes the internet can shift if it is not smooth."

Videos of the embarrassed departure are all the rage in Indonesia right now.

Tribun reports that the groom and his team beat feet to the correct venue in another part of Losari Village.

And when he got to the altar, I'll bet he said something along the lines of, "Honey, you're not gonna believe this, but...!"