Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Saturday Picture Show, January 4, 2020

 If your plans for 2020 include starting a new band, may I humbly suggest a really cool name? How about "Frozen Bamboo"?
 I don't know if you were offered this potent potable at your NYE party. It's called the "Donald," and you make it by adding some orange peel to a White Russian.
 We say "You're the bee's knees," in Australia, they say, "You're the ant's pants," and in India they make the elephant a nice pair of pants. I like them!
 Some guys playing basketball, and one referee, right?  But look closely: no one's foot is one the ground and neither is the ball!
 New Year's advice: it's never too late.
 In Philadelphia, New Year's Day means it's time for the Mummer's Parade, with elaborate costumery, and the sort of heavenly music that can only be made with accordion, banjo, bells, drums, Glockenspiel, guitar, mandolin, saxophone, and violin!
This ad was from 1958, but somewhere, in some bandstand somewhere, the sounds of Wally Nicoloff and the Tune Toppers are still playing merry music for people with party hats and noise makers!

Good advice.

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