Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Saturday Picture Show, November 9, 2019

They don't have Daylight Savings Time in England. They are not silly over there. So when they have people fooling around with Big Ben's hands, it's just for maintenance, not to fool the sun.
People in Edinburgh, Scotland, let loose with the rubber duckies just to add a little humor to the day. I met a soccer player from Edinburgh once and he told me it rained there every single day. I have wanted to live there ever since!
This is the cat who got nationwide attention the other night, scampering across the field during the Monday Night Football game. People ask why stadiums willingly provide homes for homeless cats willing to work for a living. Take the "c" out of "cats," replace it with an "r," and there's your answer.
A large apartment in Japan is like a giant box of crayons.
You might have read about a cat who came to live in a library in, I believe, Wisconsin. Here lies another wonderful cat with the same name. Nice epitaph!
Here I go again with another free fall wallpaper. I love the colors at this time of year!
This is an artwork by Rashad Alakbarov, on display at a gallery in London. He use colored plexiglass airplanes to create this harbor scene by using refracted light. When the overhead light is turned off, the art disappears, except in memory.
Who's hungry for great food at 1959 prices? That 60 cent Chow Mein dinner sounds great to me!

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