Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Science Is Real

In his hilarious Jerry Reed song "Lord Mr. Ford," the songwriter, then known as Dick Feller, and now known as transgender woman Deena Kaye Rose, listed her grievances about the modern automobile, including the notion that "all the cars, placed end to end, would reach to the moon and back again. And there'd probably be some poor fool pull out to pass."

Along the same line, the length of your circulatory system is almost 100,000 miles - 60,000 miles if you are a child. Imagine. All our veins, arteries and capillaries, if you were to stretch them out flat. That's the length of 16 round-trip flights from London to New York. 

That trip to the moon that Deena talked about would be 238, 655 miles, or roughly Two And A Half Men.  


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