Monday, July 17, 2023

I got the Blues

We talked before about my fascination with Bluetooth technology. In the days before they put the phone connection right on the dashboard of the car, you could put your Bluetooth ear device on and sail on down the road, chatting away without holding the phone in your hand, thereby avoiding the $70 fine, plus court costs, plus a point on your license.

All over the house I have little bluetooth speakers that wirelessly connect the phone or the iPod or the tablet, filling the room with beautiful music or soothing sounds of nature for nap time or Keith Olbermann's daily rant session. I dunno. Perhaps I'm just a starry-eyed kid at heart. I can't believe they found a way to take the music off a device and play it with terrific fidelity on a tiny speaker way across the room - or upstairs! 

This, to me, is as amazing as having a printer/copier right here on my desk. No longer do I need to find a Xerox machine when I find some salacious cartoon that just needs to be shared, or when copying tax forms or whatever. Maybe some take these things for granted, but I still marvel. 

Microwave ovens, sticky notes, LED bulbs that (knock on wood) seem to last forever in lanterns, saving me countless times of climbing a ladder to change a bulb, all these things answered needs that sometimes we didn't even know existed. And life is better for them all.

I would like to thank the people responsible, starting with "The Bluetooth lady." That's the name I gave to the person who says, "Powering ON" and "Powering OFF" when the button is pressed. She sounds nice, but quite serious.

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