Saturday, October 3, 2020

The Saturday Picture Show, October 3, 2020


Ah, for the world of Nancy, back in the days when newspaper comics were great. Nancy lived with her Aunt Fritzi Ritz (and probably, Fritzi's bf Phil Fumble) and she had a friend named Sluggo who, against all odds, lived alone in a house, even though he was just a kid himself. I don't think he had electricity in the house, because he burned candles in old bottles as lamps. His sofa had springs popping out, and the wallpaper was peeling off, showing the lath and plaster wall beneath. But Fritzi was always getting on Nancy for whatever infractions, and I can hardly imagine what she did to get in THIS much of a jam.
Her spirit will live on, wherever justice reigns.
Here's our weekly pretty fall scene. Be careful on those wet leaves, though...
Some lucky someone met Stephen Root, the actor who played Milton Waddams in "Office Space." If you've seen the movie, you know the legend of the red Swingline stapler. If you haven't, I'm sorry that you haven't.
This is a bit of an oddball Halloween display...a little bit of NASA in your yard...
This person has a lot to answer for. He/she said "a lizard was on a dusty shelf and fell down onto the wireless charger, leaving his prints."  Why not dust that shelf to make the house a little nicer for your squamate reptile housemate?
I like it when people are able to blend some art in with their work. Big heart to this gentleman!
I plan to print this picture out, frame it, and hang it in a prominent place, where I will see it often and be reminded of how fortunate anyone is who can turn a spigot and have clean running water on demand. I believe all such people should show gratitude every day. 

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