Monday, October 19, 2020

It's a gamble

I've been telling you for years and years, persistence pays off!  

And once again, someone who is not you nor I took at that advice to the $50,000 payoff window.

If you've been around here for a while, you remember when the Maryland Lottery used the slogan "You Gotta Play To Win." Meaning, you have to take some money out of your wallet to ever have the chance to win some to stuff back into it.

Someone took that advice, and right now, his Buxton is bulging with the loot that you and/or I could have had, but WE didn't play, so WE didn't win.

The man is unidentified, but he lives down in Churchton, Anne Arundel County, and for many years he has used the same batch of numbers to play the Bonus Match 5 game, and now he has won a $50,000 jackpot.

In the past, he has won smaller prizes, as much as $840 one time, but this is the big enchilada.

He buys his lotteries from a store that is likely the most Maryland thing you ever heard of  -  Parks Drive-in Liquors in Deale.

The lucky winner told the lottery commission, "I looked at it, saw a few matching numbers and figured I had won $15. When I saw the rest of the numbers, I knew it had happened."

His plans include paying off his wife's car, buying himself a better fishing boat and a nice truck to haul it around.

There's a nice Mexican restaurant near us - El Trovador - that sells steak, chicken, or cheese enchiladas for $12.50 a plate. For those of you homeschooling, how many $12.50 enchiladas can one buy for $50,000?

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