Saturday, April 20, 2024

The Saturday Picture Show, April 20, 2024


At the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, this is known as The Immovable Ladder. It's been there since the church was built in the Fourth Century. Nothing about the church can be moved without the agreement of the six branches of Christianity, so the ladder stays, as anyone who ever tried to organize a bazaar and bake table at a church can tell you.
If you're a boy this age, your only thought right now is not "should I?" but "Will I get caught?"
For $100, a man bought a wrecked plane and has turned it into a treehouse. Oak-Kay!
Your breakfast comes with a little added kindness.
I'm not at all sheepish about making the obvious joke!
That dude looks like he's snagging popcorn with his tongue to keep his hands non-buttery. He knows What It Takes to Walk This Way.
If you're into Dungeons and Dragons, this is the garage in Wisconsin where the game was invented, many millions ago.
Don't tell me animals don't smile!

We understand that it is, or at least used to be, a longstanding tradition to have an oil painting portrait of the great people of business, law, commerce, and what-have-you hanging in the very space where once The Great One worked. But this one! I haven't the foggiest who this is. I'm sure his name is something like J. Wellington Turnipbroth, but I have to ask if they couldn't have found a better way to memorialize him than to hang a painting of him saying, "Now see here, Porter..."

A drone's-eye view of trees recently felled by a storm.


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