Saturday, March 23, 2024

The Saturday Picture Show, March 23, 2024


What a great idea for a beach shower! No one likes trooping back from the beach with half the beach stuck to them, so rinse and relax. Just...tell me again that it's water, and not Sprite, ok? 
From 1820, a library table that unfolds to become a library ladder for reaching that dust-collector on the top shelf. How did they have the time to come up these ideas, and then make them happen so beautifully? They weren't sitting around watching judge shows on TV, that's how!
In 1969, the New York Police Department responded to a rash of assaults on women by dressing up the homeliest male police they could find as decoys. As the passersby indicate, you can't fool a real woman with anything.
It really does look like Top Cat here has found a magic flying bucket, but it's just dirt, not a shadow.
A supermarket chain tried having singles nights in the 80s, in the hope that love would blossom amid a backdrop of Jimmy Dean sausage sandwiches, fig newtons, and ginger ale. Have you met a couple that found true love in aisle 8?
Call me a cheeky lad, but I always had a little crush on her late majesty, Queen Elizabeth. Thought she was cute as a young girl and elegant as she aged. She was never my #1 boyhood crush, though. Sandra Dee still reigns supreme. Look at her!
They say that Meyer Lemons, which are not lemons at all but a Chinese hybrid of citrons and pomelos, are expensive because they are thin-skinned. Usually, we associate that quality with orange things. 
HRING: One cption wrtr nt ovrly fnd of vwels.
The caption said this is I-70. I haven't been through Howard County for a long time; I guess things are changing over there...
Rebecca will fix you Mexican dinners for the rest of your life if you'll just buy this house! 

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