Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Burger king

When you find a person of accomplishment, it's always best to acknowledge their talent and dedication to craft, the things that separate a true concert master violinist from someone who just started sawing on an old fiddle the other day.

Someone who has kept a streak of continuous attainment alive since 1972 certainly deserves our respect, so without further ado, let's hear it for Don Gorske.

We've mentioned his glorious deeds before, but it's time to check in on the man who has eaten at least one Big Mac every day since 1972, May. He's up to 34,000 two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on  sesame seed bun sandwiches, and he's not even slowing down, although he admits, "People thought I'd be dead by now."

He's a retired prison guard, so that would account for his being accustomed to quotidian habits. 

He has a wife, to whom he proposed in the parking lot of "his" McD's, where his picture is on display for all to revere. “She has put up with a lot of obsessive compulsive things I do and hasn’t let my Big Mac thing get to her,” he will tell you.

As it will, retirement has changed his life in some ways. He no longer goes to the Golden Arches every day; he goes twice a week and stocks up on Macs to nuke at home. He does eat a fresh one when he picks them up - and nowadays he only has one at lunch and one at dinner every day, down from the nine a day he was doing. He doesn't eat breakfast, and as a bedtime treat, he'll reach for a fruit bar or ice cream or potato chips.

And...he did cheat once; in 1984 he tried a Whopper from Burger King and ran back to Mickey D's, swearing loyalty which now approaches forty years.

All hail an American Original - Mr Don Gorske, of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin!



1 comment:

Andrew W. Blenko said...

Hard to believe he’s still alive!