Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Full of tears

On January 17, 1956,  Allen Ginsberg wrote a poem called "America." Unlike most poems, the writer worked the date he wrote the poem into the words...

America I’ve given you all and now I’m nothing.

America two dollars and twentyseven cents January 17, 1956.   

I can’t stand my own mind.

America when will we end the human war? 

1926 - 1997

It's a classic poem and worthy of your attention and time. Google it, if you will, for a thought-provoking afternoon of rumination.

Toward the end, you will find this line:

America why are your libraries full of tears?

And I am prepared to answer why tears are pouring out on library floors and shelves. Once again in this country, people want to ban books, and decide what children can and cannot read. As far as that goes, sure, parents have the right to decide what their kids read (if they do read) but that's not enough for the Uptight Marching Moms, who demand that books be taken from libraries and class curricula just because they don't want THEIR kids reading them.

Plainly put, parents have every reason to determine whether their little Bonnie or Clyde can read, but what business of theirs is it what the O'Hoolahan kids from down the street run their eyes over? 

A good way to respond to this nonsense is to ask the Censorious Moms Brigade to list the last five books they read. 

"Hmmmmm....there was, uh.."

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