Tuesday, March 19, 2024


In the Massachusetts town of Worcester, which has always been my favorite shire, you can beat the rap for returning library books late by bringing in a picture of a cat - or an "honorary cat". They'll accept a picture or drawing of a dog, raccoon, orca, capybara, or any other animal. 

The deal is called "Felines for Fee Forgiveness!" and it's part of their "March Meowness" celebration.

In fact, the program is already underway. The WPL has had hundreds of items returned (that's the point! Get the books back on the shelves!) and they are posted on a "cat wall."

The library's Executive Director, Jason Homer, says, "We found that many of our patrons may have items that were misplaced during the pandemic as schools shuttered and we entered quarantine.  We wanted to get everyone back in the library, and using our resources, and also wanted to create a really low barrier to get these fees forgiven." 


March Meowness seems to have something for everyone! There will be a screening of the 2019 movie "Cats",  cat-eye make-up lessons, a "de-stressing" hour of playing with shelter cats, DIY cat crafts, a scavenger hunt and more!

Worcestershirians need not feel they need to attend all these activities. That "Cats" movie was a real dog, in my "Memory."

1 comment:

Andrew W. Blenko said...

An innovative idea for sure.