Saturday, November 25, 2023

The Saturday Picture Show, November 25, 2023

The time's not long until they will be together again, forever at their rest.

This year's was the 98th Macy's Thanksgiving Parade; the tradition began in 1924 but naturally the festivities were shelved from 1942-1944. I hope you enjoyed it!
In a California neighborhood, residents were fed up with RVs parking on their street at night, and have blocked off their parking spots with these galvanized stock tanks. They should take a tip from Baltimore, hon. Spots here are legally set aside with the placement of a chaise longue.
Is it a coincidence, or a jocular baker that caused this day-old pie to be reduced to the price of pi 𝞹? 
This 1972 Taco Bell menu takes us back to the days when we Americanos had to be taught what Mexican food was, and how to pronounce it. ¡Ay, caramba!
You know, when you ask an Iranian to pass the salt, this might be what you get...
You know, I don't eat potato chips all that often, and it's because I can never choose between "original wavy" and "original ripple" chips.
By themselves, they just look like little piles of salt and spice. But you mix them up and you get taco seasoning!


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