Thursday, November 2, 2023


I don't know what prompted Ana Navarro of "The View" to post this on Instagram. It makes me think of those old movies where people haughtily toss the doorman a quarter.  The absolute effrontery of thinking that because you are with your rich important friends that your neighbors have to forfeit their right to a quiet evening in their homes.  And looking down on police officers, thinking that he could not "shut-down" (sic) a party. Look, that happens to be the job you and your neighbors are paying him to do. He came to your door because you were violating a local noise ordinance and you flippantly offered him a cocktail.

Maybe if you want to have a loud party for 40 of "the most fun people you know," rent a hall somewhere and stop annoying the neighborhood. And please stop being so pompous and supercilious towards the police and the people who, sadly, live within hearing distance of the noise you make without concern for them.

And to those who rise to her support saying it was "just one party," ask your lawyer friend if it's ok to hold up "just one 7-Eleven."  A crime is a crime because it violates the laws, no matter if it's the first or the hundred-and-first time. 

I am always happy to see people having a fun time, but there is an old legal principle at play here, one that says, "Your right to swing your arm ends where my nose begins."

1 comment:

Andrew W. Blenko said...

Holding up “just one 7-11” illustrates the point perfectly.