Saturday, October 7, 2023

The Saturday Picture Show, October 7, 2023


People resist following clearly posted rules because their moms and dads always told them they were special, and the rules were only for everybody else. I can think of no other reason.
"Hi? This your golf ball, mister? I'll be tickled to sell it back to you..."
It's interesting, how many stars go into other lines of work when their showbiz fame begins to dim a bit. You remember this guy who went into landscaping as Kermit The Frog!
I will drive you crazy with fall pictures until every last leaf is bundled up and gone. I love autumn!
It looks like Letitia James, the attorney general of New York State, is being protected by identical twin court guards.
We who are fortunate enough to live within arm's reach of an ocean should remember those who live in the middle and have a long drive to go surfing. How about this young woman, doing her homework with an amazing view of New York City? I'd be staring out the window instead of an Algebra book.
So Helen Hunt, star of such movies as "As Good As It Gets," "What Women Want," and "Twister" goes to a thrift store and sees her work in the DVD bin.
If you live in Miami, Tucson, or San Diego, you might not be familiar with the concept of salt boxes, which are wooden containers for the rock salt we sometimes need to get our cars moving on the icy roads. In recent years, the city has been allowing local artists to decorate them, such as this example.
Our beloved local hero Brooks Robinson is soaring with the angels now. This historic photo from the cover of the Sunpaper shows the moment when the Orioles won the 1966 World Series.
If you haven't ordered your Nakatomi Plaza advent calendar for 2023, maybe you should do so this weekend. Every day closer to Christmas can be marked off by Hans Gruber's precipitous decline!

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