Monday, October 16, 2023

Just saying...

I interrupt my daily meanderings and ramblings about baseball, the best meatloaf in town, and the greatness of Jerry Lee Lewis AND Jerry Lewis, to bring you a picture of a little boy named Wadea Al-Fayoume.

Wadea looks perfectly happy in this picture, apparently taken on his 6th birthday. There's a can of Coke, some gifts, a happy birthday greeting on the TV, one of those sweet "HOME" decorations,  Wadea is wearing a novelty top hat, and the photo was snapped in the home he shared with his mother in suburban Chicago.

The switch to past tense, sad to say, is because Wadea was killed on Saturday. Police have arrested the landlord, one Joseph M. Czuba, 71, and charged him with killing the boy and seriously wounding the lad's mother. 

That's the "what," and here's the "why": the boy and his mom are Muslim. Palestinians, to be exact, and, “this was directly connected to dehumanizing of Palestinians,” said Abdelnasser Rashid, a Democratic Illinois state representative who is Palestinian American.

So because of their religion, Czuba allegedly stabbed them dozens of times with a seven-inch serrated blade. He is being held on charges of first-degree murder, attempted first-degree murder, two counts of a hate crime, and aggravated battery with a deadly weapon.

I'm not going to get preachy about this, and please don't @me with who else did what else to whomever, or any other nonsense designed to offset the fact that an old man decided that a boy (and his mother) have no place on this earth because of their religion. It's not for any of us to decide who lives and who dies.

But if you happen to believe that this little boy - or any person of any age - deserves to be killed because of their religious inclination, then you'd better take plenty of ice water with you when you go.

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