Monday, June 5, 2023


Sometimes, we're just better off leaving things alone.

The Baltimore County Police have been warning parents to advise their children not to play this game that's going around called "Assassin."

Here's how this brilliant diversion is played: Kids walk around with water pistols and if they see someone on the other team, they squirt him. And that counts as a "kill" in this sport.

The problem comes in when someone sees kids with handguns and does not know if they are water guns or shoot-a-bullet guns. All it takes is some self-appointed hobby cop to neutralize the situation by bringing out his second amendment rights, and someone is shot, or worse,

Even the police, who are trained to deal with armed persons, say their only recourse is to assume that everything that looks like a gun is in fact a gun.

So, kids, just don't. Read a book, be my advice.

And when your Uncle Wilbur shows up with something he brought home from the war, tell him to put that away, too.

Here's why: Last week in Indiana, a father and his two sons were looking through their grandpa's war relics. 

They found a hand grenade.   

"Someone reportedly pulled the pin on the device, and it detonated," Sheriff Oscar Martinez reported.

The sons, 14 and 18, are in a hospital with shrapnel wounds. The father, 47-year-old Bryan Niedert, died.

It goes without saying, war materiel was designed to be dangerous on a battlefield, and that doesn't change when it's moved to another location.

Please be careful!

1 comment:

AC Cage said...

Those "mistakes" occurred long before this game was conjured....